SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE)



市面上不少防蚊產品都加入DEET 避蚊胺。雖然這是目前醫學上最有效的防蚊成分,可是十分刺激,使用濃度過高有機會對大人及兒童造成眼睛腫痛、頭痛、氣管收窄等,小心還沒被蚊子叮前已經得不償失!記得留意市面上的成分標籤,超過1/4都含有至少一種化學成分。

1. 適用於
✅G6PD 蠶豆症 ✅懷孕 ✅ 2歲以上
2. 不含以下成份:
❌DEET ❌薄荷樟腦 ❌化學添加 ❌合成香料 ❌人工色素 ❌動物實驗
3. 驅蚊及蠓效能高達8小時或以上
4. 研究證實其中有效成份防禦力比單獨使用含DEET成分還要高
5. 預防常見的蚊傳疾病如瘧疾,登革熱,日本腦炎
6. 環保鋁樽更有效保存活性成分,循環再用,非一般膠樽隨時間釋放有害物質

針 對 本 地 蚊 蠓

如果您曾左試右試一大輪, 驅蚊效果仍不如預期,原因是配方當中沒有針對驅趕本地蚊種成分!SOVOS天然有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 專研自然界最強效驅蚊蟲成分,使用全天然、高效、安全草本植物,針對驅趕本地常見病媒蚊及蠓,不會造成抗藥性,亦不含任何敏感刺激成分。

本 地 常 見 的 蚊 & 蠓 品 種  —  食 物 環 境 衛 生 署 

病媒蚊種 SOVOS Formula
傑普爾按蚊(Anopheles jeyporiensis)
微小按蚊 (Anopheles minimus)
東鄉伊蚊(海濱伊蚊)(Aedes togoi) 
白紋伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)
致倦庫蚊(Culex quinquefasciatus)
三帶喙庫蚊(Culex tritaeniorhynchus)

1 0 0 % 天 然 活 性 成 分 及 藥 理 

SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 5
有機苦楝油 Azadirachta indica (Neem)
由於對環境無害,具有優秀驅蚊蟲效能,又無抗藥性,於外國得到非常高的評價。分子能延緩配方活性成分揮發,有助延長驅蚊蠓的效能和時間。證實高效對抗香港常見蚊種:瘧蚊屬(Anopheles) ,斑蚊屬(Aedes),家蚊屬(Culex)的驅趕效能分別高達為 100%, 95.5% 及 100% 。— Filed study in Guinea Bissau, 1999, 72:39-52

SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 6

有機檸檬尤加利 Eucalyptus citriodora (Lemon Eucalyptus)
DEET的最佳替代品,活性成分: para-menthane 3, 8 diol (PMD) 美國疾病管制與預防中心 (CDC)唯一推薦使用的植物驅蚊成分。有機檸檬尤加利含有85% 的香茅醇,對家蚊屬(Culex)及蠓的 100%驅趕效能,並有效維持8小時。該植物亦被證實對人體無害,有效預防瘧疾。  — Filed study in India, 1994, 31:505-507


使 用 方 法 

  • 直接噴於外露皮膚及衣物上,切勿直接噴於臉上。
  • 如有需要可以每兩小時補噴。
  • 2歲以上適用
  • 置於陰涼乾爽地方,遠離兒童。


SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 7《 SOVOS 治療師提提您 》
 天然有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 在研究配方時不但考慮蚊種、蠓種,並加入延緩揮發的成份,一瓶具備多效能用途,令您戶外活動零煩惱!

SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 8” SOVOS鑽研針對性草本學,細閱臨床文獻,比較及嚴選最高效能之草本「品種」及「種植地」。以全天然及針對性的治療師配方緩解需要,絕無添加坊間常見的各種化學添加劑及防腐劑, 只用效果說話。”


DEET is added to many mosquito repellent products on the market. Although this chemical has long been known to be the most effective mosquito repellent available, it’s also highly irritative. High doses of (DEET) are known to cause swelling and pain around the eye, headaches, tracheal stenosis, etc., to adults and children, a slew of issues even before you are bitten by the mosquitoes! If you pay attention to the ingredient labels of mosquito repellents available on the market, more than 1/4 of them contain at least one chemical ingredient!

While the labels of many insect repellent make strong claims, they may simply not work because their formulae are not targeted to the right mosquito species regionally.
SOVOS Bioactive Insect Repellent is produced from 100% renewable and natural resources which contains clinical proven mosquito repellent components. This multi-pronged repellent offers knockdown repellency targeting broad spectrum of mosquito species and midges that are commonly found locally.


Mosquitoes & Mites Commonly Found in Hong Kong
— Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Mosquito-borne Disease Vectors SOVOS Formula
傑普爾按蚊(Anopheles jeyporiensis)
微小按蚊 (Anopheles minimus)
東鄉伊蚊(海濱伊蚊)(Aedes togoi) 
白紋伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)
致倦庫蚊(Culex quinquefasciatus)
三帶喙庫蚊(Culex tritaeniorhynchus)
Biting Midges
  S A F E R  .  S U S T A I N A B L E  .  B E T T E R  

1. Suitable for ✅G6PD ✅Pregnant ✅ age above 2 years old

2. Repels mosquitoes and biting midges for up to 8 hours

3. Repels mosquitoes that may transmit diseases such as 瘧疾 (Malaria),登革熱 (Dengue Fever), 日本腦炎 (Japanese encephalitis)

4. Offer better topical protection than topical DEET alone

5. Recyclable, Reusable, Toxic-free Aluminium Container: well-preserved potency of active ingredients

6. Completely free from: ❌DEET ❌Peppermint ❌Paraben ❌Skin Irritants ❌Harmful Chemicals ❌Synthetic Fragrances  ❌Colourant


1 0 0 %  N A T U R A L  &  A C T I V E   I N G R E D I E N T S 

  • Organic Azadirachta indica (Neem) Oil: high repellent efficacy against Anopheles, Culex and Aedes species, acts as carrrier that can help extend the duration of repellent effects by slowing the evaporation of active ingredients from surfaces
  • Organic Eucalyptus citriodora (Lemon Eucalyptus) Oil: a natural alternative to DEET, active repellent compound: para-menthane 3, 8 diol (PMD) is the only plant-based repellent that has been recommened by the USA Centres for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Other Proprietary Botanical Ingredients 

SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 9
Azadirachta indica (Neem)

The pesticidal efficacy, environmental safety and public acceptability of neem have led to its adoption into various mosquito control programmes. It is unable to develop resistance in insects too. The maximum reduction rates of Anopheles, Culex and Aedes (common mosquito species in Hong Kong) are 100%, 95.5% and 100% respectively. — Filed study in Guinea Bissau, 1999, 72:39-52


SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 10

Corymbia citriodora (Lemon Eucalyptus)

Lemon Eucalyptus, comprising 85% of citronellal, exhibits 100% repellency for Culex spp. and 8 hours protection period.  It is proven clinical effective in preventing malaria and is considered to pose no risk to human health.  — Filed study in India, 1994, 31:505-507


D I R E C T I O N S  F O R  U S E

  • Spray directly on exposed skin and clothing. Do not spray directly on the face.
  • Respray every two hours, if necessary.
  • Suitable for use by children who are 2 years old and above.
  • Store in a cool, dry place, away from children.


SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 11《 Therapist Tip 》
Why typical natural insect repellents have short protection time? : “The effect of most plant-based insect repellents only lasts from several minutes to several hours due to their highly volatile active ingredients, so although they are effective repellents for a short period after application, they rapidly evaporated leaving the user unprotected. The exception to SOVOS Bioactive Insect Repellent has a lower vapour pressure that provides very high protection over 8 hours prolonging repellency time and a broad range of insect repelling vectors. 

SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE) 12” SOVOS follows strict herbal apothecary in selecting ONLY the finest therapeutic grade botanical species from the right soils around the globe in delivering the best fit and most effective synergistic formulas on a personal level.”

Specification: SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE)


20ml, 50ml, 250ml Refill with spray 環保補充裝(連噴嘴)

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SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE)
SOVOS – 有機驅蚊蠓噴霧 Bioactive Insect Repellent (DEET FREE)



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