籽曰 – Rohaseed 銀離子/懸浮銀微粒消毒噴霧
雙重効能 : 除殺菌消毒力強,更有效持久對抗病菌病毒
9999 純銀 | 殺菌消毒率 99.9 %
// 無酒精,不刺激,更不破壞皮膚天然屏障!
// 嬰兒、孕婦及寵物適用,可噴面部及口鼻。 ( 美國 FDA 已證實銀離子對人體無害 ) .
// 可殺 650 種病毒 ( 一般抗生素只可殺 6-10 種;美國主流權威科學雜誌 nature 更評銀離子比抗生素對付病毒的能力高出 1000 倍 ) 。美國 University Of Arizona 2003 的研究證實銀離子有效殺滅 SARS 及 Coronavirus 。
// 可停留在物件或皮膚上數日而持續有效,比酒精的短時間揮發性更有效殺滅及預防細菌及病毒。
Kills 99.9% viruses & germs but NOT skin natural barrier.
Suitable for all ages, infants, Pregnant woman and Animals.
And all skin types.
Ionic Silver – Can kill 650 kinds of viruses (general antibiotics can only kill 6-10 kinds; the American mainstream scientific journal “Nature” even commented that silver ions are 1000 times more capable of killing viruses than antibiotics). Research from University Of Arizona 2003 in the United States confirmed that silver ions effectively kill SARS and Coronavirus.Storage: Protect from sunlight.
Storage: Protect from sunlight, working appliance & wifi router.
Ingredients: Ionic Silver, Colloidal Silver (9999 purity) & Distilled water.
存放在陰涼處,遠離使用中的電器及 WiFi 路由器。
Specification: 籽曰 – Rohaseed 銀離子/懸浮銀微粒消毒噴霧
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